
Exotic Go Stones

Semi-precious Go Stones -=- for when you are ready for something other than the traditional Black and White.
180 Stones per Set, 10mm x 21.5mm
( Note: The three shell sets below are beautiful on both sides and 3mm thick. )

Click on a stone below to view the Go Stones Gallery.

abalone shell-.png BlueLaceAgate-.png TigerEyeRed-.png TigerEyeBlue-.png
$ NA Abalone Shell* (3mm)
$800   Blue Lace Agate* Elegant
$600   Tiger eye (red)* Intense
$600   Tiger eye (blue)*
white MOP-.png MooStone-.png SherryQuartz-.png ZebraAgate-.png
$NA    White Mother Of Perl* (3mm)
$700   Moon Stone*
$500   Cherry Quartz* Yummy
$500   Zebra Agate* Rorschach Stones
Dark MOP-.png rhodonite-.png mahogany-.png aventurine green-.png
$NA    Dark Mother of Perl (3mm)*
$600   Rhodonite*
$500   Mahogany*
$500   Aventurine Green*
aventurine blue-.png bronzite stone-.png CoralFossil-.png green spot jade-.png
$600   Aventurine Blue*
$600   Bronzite Stone*
$500   Coral Fossil*
Patterns that once lived.
$600  Green Spot Jade
KoreanJade-.png aventurine red-.png PictureJasper-.png mossAgate-.png
$600   Korean Jade*
Gum drop like.
$600   Aventurine Orange*
$550   Picture Jasper*
$600   Moss Agate* (Grade-B)
Amozonite-.png BlackRainbowJasper-.png russain amazonite-.png OceanJasper-.png
$600   Amazonite*
$500    Dyed Jasper*
$600   Russain Amazonite*
$600   Ocean Jasper*
magesite1-.png stripeAgate-.png white jade-.png ruby zoisite-.png
$600   Magesite*
$550   Striped Agate, dark or light.*
$550   White Jade*
$2000   Ruby Zoisite*

RQuartzBig1.png Malachite11.png MossJasperBig.png
$400   Rutilated Quartz, Faux. Beautifull! (In Stock)
$5000    Malachite*

$550  Moss jasper*

TurkBig.png AmethystBig.png ImTurkBig1.png
$700  Turquoise*

$650   Amethyst* Many of you asked if I had these. Now I do.
$500    Turquoise, Faux*

Cracked Crystal.big.png th_BambooAgate.GoStone.png ImTurkWhiteBig1.png
$600  Cracked Crystal
$550  Bamboo Agate*

$500   Rorschach stone. Imitation rock*
th_trichise.png TigerIronBig1.png Lava.png
$5000*   Trichise* Rutiled

$550   Tiger Iron
My new favorite.
$450  Lava* COOL !

$500  Striped Agate
pflourite 22.jpg 10lapisbeautifulblue001.jpg pcarnelian 23.jpg
$600  Fluorite*
Wonderful! The most beautiful Go stones I have ever seen.
$4000  Lapis, Blue*
Distractingly beautiful. Conversation piece. Endless detail.
$650 Carnelian
Very very nice.

jadelight001.jpg RoseQuartz001.jpg jasperred001.jpg
$550  Jade*
Subtle. Traditional.

$500  Rose Quartz*

$450  Jasper*

goldstone001.jpg pblackgoldstone 19.jpg crystal001.jpg
$500  Goldstone*
Sparkling, demanding attention.
$500  Black Goldstone*
Sparkling, demanding attention.
$500  Crystal*
Clear, with optical effects.

10orangecalcite001.jpg whiteonyx.jpg blackonyx.jpg
$550  Yellow Calcite*

$500  White Onyx*
Very playable. Unique but not distracting.
$500  Black Onyx*


More Stones

$500  Carnelian*

$500   Hematite*

$500   Tiger Eye*

$500   Sodalite*

Snow Flake.png
$500   Snow Flake*
Why play black or white when you can play both ;-)

Moss Agate.png
$550   Moss Agate*
Very Dark, with amazing intricacy when held up to the light.
Green Lace Stone.png
$500   Green Lace Stone* (also avalable in very dark)

Black Line Jasper.png
$500    Black Line Jasper*

$550   Botswana Agate*
I like these.

Red Jasper.png
$500    Red Jasper*

$500    Unakite*

Breciated Jasper.png
$500   Breciated Jasper*

Leopard Skin Jasper.png
$500   Leopard Skin Jasper*

Picasso Jasper.png
$500   Picasso Jasper*

Lilac Jasper.png
$500   Lilac Jasper*

Studded Star.png
$500   Studded Star*

Lemon Quartz.png
$500   Lemon Quartz*

$500   Dumortierite*

Smoky Quartz.png
$500   Smoky Quartz*

$500   Labadourtie*
With iridescences

Semi-Precious Go Stones for the Serious Collector.
180 Stones per Set, 10mm x 21.5 to 22mm

Enjoy the feelings that come with displaying objects of beauty.

Becuase of availability issues I do recommend talking to me before paying.

I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
If you have any questions or comments or would like pictures of a complete set,
or if you would like to see pictures of a particular pair of stones on a Go Board, please contact me.
I can also make custom Go Stones Sets made out of the Semi-precious stones of your choice. Just ask!
Call USA  1.510.872.4476   or  

* Not in stock. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

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